quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

Inspiring book - Christopher Gavigan

Hi all! I have a great tip for you guys this week.

Last night I finished reading the book Health Child Healthy World, by Christopher Gavigan.

Who is Christopher?

Christopher is the former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, and Founder and Chief Product Officer of The Honest Company. 


He holds degrees in Environmental Science and Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has worked as a children family specialist.

What is Healthy Child Healthy World?

It’s a nonprofit organization, dedicated to protecting children’s and families well being from harmful environmental exposures. 

To know more about Healthy Child Healthy World, access the link bellow:


By the title of the book, you might think: Oh… Ok, this is a book for parents, I’m not a parent yet.

Do not put the book back on the bookstore shelf, do not let the words or your first judgment fool you. This is a book, reading for everyone. From newly parents to longtime parents, roommates, and to the ones who still lives with their parents, like me, because I’m sure you love the people around you, so you will feel the need to protect them.

Christopher’s writing is truly inspiring, he knows what he is talking about. His writing makes you feel like you are sitting and listening to it in front of him.
The book is very enlightning and very easy to read, (even for me who English is not my first language).

Of course we are not aware of all the chemicals, their names and what they can do to our body. But this book is here to show us, not scary us, to show us, to open our eyes.

You might feel a little scared, overwhelmed of what chemicals are capable of, and how they are in our house everyday, and how Companies don’t even give us the proper information about it. But, besides all of that, you will feel very happy to know, to be aware of all of it, and also excited to do big changes in yours and your family lives.

But remember, don’t try to get everything done at once, or you might not getting any. 

As Christopher says:

“No one can do everything but everyone can do something.”

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Have You Ever Hugged A Tree?

We all know that being close to Nature is revigorating, inspiring and truly blessing. But have you ever hugged a tree and thanked her for all the beautiful views and great time she gives and gave to you?

Go for it, you'll feel great!
Happy week!

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2014

Take Good Care Of The Bees! Cuide das Abelhas!

No words are need, when you have an amazing, inspiring TED Talk
like this one, from 
Marla Spivak 

For my Brazilian Friends, who can't understand, read in english:
Essa parte do Blog é pros amigos brasileiros:

Há alguns dias atrás escutei na tv a frase: "Centenas de Abelhas morrem" 
Fiquei animada, logo pensei: Que legal, o assunto começará a ser abordado aqui também! 

Engano meu, decepção, quando ouvi o Apicultor apenas dizer:

"Elas pararam de produzir, perdi centenas de abelhas, colméias, estou tendo prejuízo..."

Ah, você tá me perguntando por que morreram e não produziram?
Então, isso aconteceu porque o vizinho agricultor espalhou do céu, do avião, Inseticidas e Pesticidas sobre sua plantação, com isso matando essas pobres e tão importantes criaturas vizinhas de seu plantio.

Triste ver como algumas pessoas só se preocupam com seu lado. Triste e também perturbador como esses homens são tão burros a ponto de não perceberem o quão mal isso está fazendo não só pros negócios deles, mas sim pra todos nós e nosso futuro. Ou não estão mesmo nem aí?

Em alguns lugares do Mundo onde não há mais abelhas, onde não há flores que elas se sintam atraídas por, a polinização tem sido feita pelo homem, com um pincel de tintura.

Precisava disso?

Fotos - via:
Pictures - via:


domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014

I miss you! But I know you are close to me, to us.

Since yesterday I’m in the mood to write, but didn’t had a subject on my mind.

So today,  I’m just gonna stick with: I miss my brother. Man, I miss him a lot. But, I’m also super grateful. Grateful for the strength I didn’t know that I had, and I know he is responsible for this, because now I know who my angel is.

I think this is writers, song writers feels while writing. You sit, let your heart speak and then you have what to write,  and this is exactly what happened.  Sat here to see Twitter, everything, and then suddenly the words, emotions  just came to my head and heart.

I will always love you Jé (Jeferson was his name), and will always love and miss you. And will keep forever listening to your favorite songs, cause this way I can feel you close to me, like I always do. 

God Bless you for being so great!
God Bless our parents for being so strong, so
loving and so caring.

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoy them and the beautiful day ahead.
If you don’t, enjoy anyway. With friends, family, having some good laughs.
Because this day, this day is all about love like all the others, and just one more day the entrepreneurs, industry found to make us buy things and forget the real meaning of it. 

So, like I said…

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