sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

Best Birthday Ever!

When you have vegan (delicious!) cupcakes by the pool, followed by awesome friends singing Happy Birthday to you, you don't mind turning 32.
O'Family, thank you for the Best Birthday Ever!
Thank you for the love, fun and good Music.
Love you all!
Vivian Vignoli Brutinha, Pei, my friend and sister, thank you for the sweet Birthday Message. Thank you for making yourself present even if you weren’t there. I love you and Cyndi!

After this amazing weekend, I got home to the most beautiful and amazing Birthday messages and wishes on Twitter and Facebook, and to an amazing Birthday Card all the way from Trinidad & Tobago from the sweet Aly.

Thank you all!
You guys really know how to make a person feel special. 

sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2014

Healthier life!

9 months ago I stopped drinking soda, and a couple days later I stopped eating meat. Why?
For the sake of animals and my own, also because the Meat Industry is really cruel, putting antibiotics and other chemicals on the animal, becoming really harmful to our health, causing Heart Disease and Cancer for example.

One of the things I first noticed, was that my horrible migraines, disappeared. One more score to my health, no medicine. At least, not as I used to have.
This post is not me saying to you to stop eating meat, it's just a feeling that I did the right thing for animals and me, and also because I felt like sharing.

Happy weekend!

Vida mais saudável!

Há 9 meses eu parei de beber Coca-Cola (digo esse refrigerante especificamente porque era o único que bebia), e alguns dias depois eu parei de comer carne. E por que?

Pelo bem estar dos animais, o meu próprio, e também por causa da Indústria Frigorífica, que é extremamente cruel e totalmente despreocupada com ambos, ao aplicar Antibióticos e muitos produtos químicos nos animais que causam danos extremos a nossa saúde, como Doenças Cardíacas e Câncer. 

 Uma das coisas que notei durante esses 9 meses , nessa nova dieta, foi que não tenho mais crises de enxaqueca (que eu costumava ter sempre), sendo assim, mais um ponto positivo pra minha saúde, desde que estou consumindo menos remédio.

A intenção desse post não é tentar falar, impor, que todos parem de consumir carne e derivados, e sim, só compartilhar uma constatação.

Bom final de semana!

domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

Summer Time!

 Sunday By The Lake
 Nature Beauty
 Nice Walk To Bff's House
 Some Of My Best Friends
 Organic Grape Juice (BPA Free!)
Healthy Sunday Meal

And to top all of that, it's my birthday's month!